
I have decided to start blogging to work through some of the day-to-day things in my life. I need a way to get things out so I can process them, and since I am a writer by nature, this seemed to be the best way to do it. So here you will find my ramblings about being a wife, the mother of a teenager with a mental illness, a working woman, and an overeater. Just some things that consume my small world. So here you'll find that little bit of me that you may, or may not know.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas is just around the corner!

Christmas is just around the corner and I’m sooo excited this year! The funny thing is, I’m not even sure exactly why! Maybe it’s because we’re done shopping and I can just sit back and enjoy everything!

Today John and I got off work about four hours early so we could get a few things done in the day-light, like get the Christmas lights up!!! But get this, we’re not done. No it’s not because we have a bazillion lights like Clark Griswald. It’s because Christmas light stink now-a-days! Seriously! Why is it that every year I have to buy new lights? They are always the specialty lights too! Last year, new icicle lights. The year before? New icicle lights. It’s these ones the most that drive me nuts. You can’t replace the bulbs because nine times out of ten you can’t figure out which one is broken! So you think well I’ll just go get one new set, they’re only seven or eight bucks. Then you go to the store. You buy the set you think looks like yours. Get home…. Nope. They’re too short. Or too long. Aren’t the same color of white. Don’t twinkle the same. Either way, they don’t match, and you’re stuck… because alas you cannot locate a set that is exactly like yours. Why you ask? Probably because the dumb light-makers know this and do it intentionally so you have to buy a whole flippin butt-load again!!! Errr. So this year? The icicle lights are coming off and we have regular lights up!!! Yay!!! But we only got the strip along the house done, the window, and our snow-flakes up, because it got too dark because of too much time at the stores!!

Onto other Christmas things… we got our first Christmas card today! Yay!!! Amy & Dave Bertolini were the winners! Usually I already have mine out… I honestly try to mail them out the first couple days of the month. I’ve been a slacker so far and haven’t even addressed the envelopes or purchased stamps (bad me!)! But I love getting Christmas cards. It’s one of the few times in life where it’s fun checking the mail! Not to mention I use them to decorate up my closet door in the living room. It’s so fun to see how full it gets! Every year I take a picture and compare it. This year I want to try something new with our Christmas cards. I read about it in a magazine once. After you take down your cards… you keep them and don’t throw them away. Every night for the next however long it takes, you pull one card from the stack and throw it away. But not before you first pray over the family or company that sent you the card. What an awesome idea!!

Speaking of new things I’m doing this Christmas season… I’m baking a ton of cookies! Or, well, maybe a ton! I was talking with a couple ladies at work today and we decided to do a Christmas cookie exchange. We sent a slip around the office to see if anyone else wanted to participate! FUN! If you don’t know what one of these is, it’s where each person in the group bakes a dozen cookies for all the others in the group. So, if there are five people participating…you bake five dozen cookies. But you bake all the same kind. And they must be homemade. Then, you each end up with five dozen different cookies when you’re all done! We’re doing it slightly different as in once it reaches six participants we’re doing a half dozen for each person. If we get more than a dozen I think we’re doing four cookies per person. In an office of 34 people… I am not risking making 34 dozen cookies! The beauty of this is if someone doesn’t do it, it doesn’t hurt too much!

So as you can see…I’m really starting to get in the Christmas spirit. I love this time of year…and I love being able to have friends and family over…celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus!

His Blessings!

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