
I have decided to start blogging to work through some of the day-to-day things in my life. I need a way to get things out so I can process them, and since I am a writer by nature, this seemed to be the best way to do it. So here you will find my ramblings about being a wife, the mother of a teenager with a mental illness, a working woman, and an overeater. Just some things that consume my small world. So here you'll find that little bit of me that you may, or may not know.

Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 is nearly over

Well it’s the final week of 2009. My how the year has gone so quickly. It seems like just the other day it was freezing outside and I was stressed out about getting to La Grande for Christmas because of all the ice. Only, that was a year ago!

So, since it’s a new year several people have asked me what my New Years Resolutions are. Honestly… I haven’t put too much thought into this because I can’t remember ever having one that I’ve kept/fulfilled. I mean I always have the basics… pray more… read my Bible more… and lose weight. But this time I’ve decided I’m going to put more thought into it and make realistic goals.

Rather than “lose weight” I’m asking myself to lose the last 35 lbs by the end of summer. This means I have to lose approximately 0.8 lbs a week. Not much, but completely realistic.

I want to start an exercise program. Something I can afford, and will enjoy, but not something I can get bored at easily. So, I was debating a wii fit, but changed my mind. I am going with the floor mat, hand weights and good ol DVD’s. AAAAHHH you say, DVD’s get boring… well, not when you have Netflix and there is a huge array of exercise DVD’s I can have at my house and keep for an unlimited amount of time. I will more than likely increase my usage from 3 at a time, to 4 at a time just so I don’t mess with the amount we use at home.

I want to be less organized and anal. Yes I said that. Sometimes I think I’m too organized … and that causes grief for me because there is little flexibility for other things. We’ll see how this works…because I don’t have any clue how to implement it. I think it’s my nature and just the way I was born!

We’ll see how these all work out as I try to implement them. Just pray I can follow through and not be such a lazy girl.

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