
I have decided to start blogging to work through some of the day-to-day things in my life. I need a way to get things out so I can process them, and since I am a writer by nature, this seemed to be the best way to do it. So here you will find my ramblings about being a wife, the mother of a teenager with a mental illness, a working woman, and an overeater. Just some things that consume my small world. So here you'll find that little bit of me that you may, or may not know.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Best Friend

So the other day someone asked me who my best friend was. Hmmm an interesting question for an adult to get. But it got me thinking. Honestly? I have three, and all for very different and similar reasons.

Of course my husband is my best friend. If John weren’t one of my best friends I wouldn’t be able to be married to him. He is amazing. I can talk to him about virtually anything… well, almost. :) There are just some things a girl can’t talk to her husband about and there are of course things he’d rather not hear about. I can always have fun with him… we can do simple things like drive around, go window shopping, etc. We have a lot of same likes in books, movies, and activities. But then again… those are things you probably should have with your spouse. John is my inspiration in many things. John. He’s my rock. He’s my hero. He’s my stability. He’s my best friend.

Melissa. Wow, who would have ever thought my sister would end up being my best friend. It’s amazing what time can do. If you would have known us when we were younger you would have thought we could never end up where we are now. It’s funny how I feel like her hour-and-a-half drive time is too far away. But I think it helps keep a balance on our friendship. My sister is someone who knows more about me than probably anyone else. She’s been there and seen a lot of my hard times, she’s seen the stupid things I’ve done, she’s seen what I once was and what I’ve now become. And she still loves me. Because of our past she is my go-to person when I get frustrated with family, my own insecurities, my own control-type tendencies, or just because. I know I can go to her with the words “I know this is just me, but I need to vent” and she knows what I am saying. She’s my girl to shop with. She loves a good bargain just like I do and we like typically the same stores. She’s also smart in her finances… probably smarter than I am :). We have similar fears, similar issues, and because of this she’s the only one who can know how I truly feel on certain subjects when others may think I’m overreacting. Melissa. She’s my confidant. She’s my party girl. She’s my shoulder to cry on. She’s my best friend.

And finally Stephanie. Stephanie and I have known each other for nine years now. When I first met her I thought there was no way I could ever be friends with her. LOL Funny how God uses those first impressions to also show us how wrong we can be. I’ll never forget when John and I went to her and Ron’s house for dinner that first time. I did NOT want to go. But guess what? I did NOT want to leave once we were there. It’s been that way ever since. Stephanie is someone who I strive to be more like. Her relationship with Christ is something I strive to have be similar. Her dedication is amazing. I often read or listen to her and am blown away by her knowledge and wisdom. What I love is she speaks so candidly. Stephanie is open and honest and tells it like it is. Which is why she’s my best friend. Stephanie will tell me if I’m being stupid. Stephanie holds me accountable in the areas that I desire and sometimes in the areas I don’t want her to but I need. She is the person I go to when I have an argument with John. Why? Because she just listens. She doesn’t confirm what I’m feeling, but she helps me try to see things on a different side and helps me get over my anger with John. She’s the person who knows what my life was like before becoming a Christian and what that was like because she was there. She’s the one I can stay up and talk for hours with about serious issues and yet two seconds later turn completely silly with. She's the one I can talk to when I have problems with Sean. She understands and she can relate in a way to what I'm going through. She gives me insight as to what he's going through. She's often more of a life-saver than she realizes. Stephanie. She’s my example. She’s my retreat buddy. She’s my prayer warrior. She’s my best friend.

Honestly I could go on and on about each of them. I found once I started on the next one I’d see how much the pervious individual matched some of the same characteristics. I love them all. I love them because they love me… as wacky and unstable as I can be! They love me for me